Complete LED temperature regulation and control solution.

Reliable and stable surface temperature control
New industry standards require reliable, stable conditions for surface temperatures of LED modules and stabilized power supplies. This creates the need to regulate and stabilize the temperature of high-power LEDs during the measurements or to simulate various LED operating temperatures. New test standards such as CIE S 025/E:2015 force lighting manufacturers and developers to place greater emphasis on heat control.
GL TEC Control System is a new solution which guarantees a complete temperature regulation and control solution for LED modules measurements. It includes a spectrometer, integrating sphere, programmable power supply and sophisticated software in a well-harmonised set.
Integrated solution
The turnkey system includes the lab-grade GL SPECTIS 6.0 spectrometer and TEC Mount with Peltier element for cooling or heating connected to a cutting-edge TEC controller. Both in turn are connected to a GL OPTI SPHERE 500 integrating sphere and a programmable power supply and controlled in Spectrosoft.
High-precision monitoring and control
The module creates stable measurement conditions and can simulate nearly any operating temperature. Heat control is managed by GL AUTOMATION, a powerful tool which is part of the GL SPECTROSOFT software package.
GL TEC Control System Usage
Control your temperature
GL TEC Control System is used in development labs for test and development of new LED drivers, LED chips and lights. Based on high-precision temperature monitoring and control, the module creates stable measurement conditions and can simulate nearly any operating temperature. Heat control is managed by GL AUTOMATION, a powerful tool which is part of the GL SPECTROSOFT software package. It is used to operate all of the attached instrumentation or to plan, conduct and monitor automated test scenarios.
GL TEC Control System Features
Thermal stabilization of LED modules
Simulation of different temperatures
*Different sizes and thermal capacity mounts available.
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